Peer-Review Process


Every manuscript we receive is allocated to an editor from our Editorial Board, who is a specialist in the relevant field. If the subject matter extends beyond our areas of expertise, we may assign the manuscript to a Guest Editor. This assigned Editor oversees the peer review process and holds the final say on the manuscript’s acceptance, revision, or rejection.

The peer-review process is designed to accommodate the specific type of content that you submit. Subject to compliance with our guidelines, we handle three potential scenarios:

  • Authors submit work that has already been peer-reviewed and published.
  • Authors submit work that is partially novel.
  • Authors submit entirely novel work.
In each case, the peer review process is confined to the novel aspect of the work. During this process, two reviewers are given access to a Dropbox folder, labeled 'reviewer1' and 'reviewer2'. They can communicate with the editorial office via email.

Our reviewers have the responsibility of determining whether a paper is scientifically valid. They are encouraged to offer constructive feedback. We do not accept negative criticism that arises from conflicts of interest, such as competition within the same field.

After the two reviews are submitted, the editor makes a final decision, which is then shared with the author.

Manuscript Revision

The author will regain access to the submission folder, enabling them to make necessary revisions in line with the reviewers’ suggestions. The revised manuscript will be either evaluated by the editor directly or returned to the reviewers for additional scrutiny.

In the event of the manuscript being rejected, the filming process will be discontinued.