Editorial and Publishing Policies

Submission Policies

When submitting a manuscript to Scientific Video Protocols, authors must ensure it is unique and not under consideration elsewhere, with the reciprocal also holding true. Regardless of author affiliations, our editorial stance remains neutral. Please note that a manuscript may be rejected post-acceptance should serious scientific discrepancies emerge or a violation of our publishing policies occur.

Author Responsibilities

Credit for research contributions and their subsequent accountability are signified by authorship. As an author, substantial contributions to various aspects of the work are expected, from conception to design, data acquisition, analysis or interpretation, or software creation. Authors are also expected to draft or substantively revise the work, and contribute to the filming process.

Every author must approve the submitted version and agree to be personally accountable for their contributions. This includes ensuring that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The corresponding author is solely responsible for fulfilling these requirements.

All listed authors are assumed by Scientific Video Protocols to have agreed to all contents of the submission. Author listing should be in order of seniority as quantified by each author’s h-index.

Author Contribution Statement

Each manuscript must include a statement of responsibility that specifies the contribution of every author. Equally contributing authors can be indicated with a note in the author list. Although there can be multiple corresponding authors, only one will communicate with our editorial team.

Responsibilities after Publication

The corresponding author acts as the point of contact for queries about the published paper. If this author does not hold a permanent position, an alternate email should be provided in addition to the institutional email.


If authors discover errors in their published work, they are responsible for promptly informing Scientific Video Protocols. Due to the nature of our publications, videos will not be altered post-publication. If authors require a new video addressing parts of the original that need to be amended, a new contract must be signed and filming charges apply. Corrections or retractions may be issued as separate PDF documents, but the original accepted manuscript will remain on our servers.


All communications between Scientific Video Protocols and the corresponding author must be treated as confidential.

Referees Suggestions

Authors are welcome to suggest or request exclusion of reviewers upon manuscript submission. However, the final decision on reviewer selection rests with our editorial board.

Licensing and copyright specifics are outlined in the contract signed by the corresponding author. Typically, articles are published under a CC By License, while video copyright is retained by us.

Embargo Policy and Social Media Sharing

Manuscripts should not be discussed with media outlets or shared on social media prior to official publication. Unauthorized sharing of confidential video previews is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Once published, material can be shared as long as it adheres to copyright laws.

Competing Interests

Authors are required to declare any financial or non-financial interests that could directly or indirectly affect the integrity of the publication.


Scientific Video Protocols does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. It’s the corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure the manuscript is free from plagiarism.

Fake Data and Bogus Results

We strictly condemn fraudulent manipulation of data, results, or images. Any deliberate submission of false data in any form will prompt legal action.

The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal, commercial, or professional advice. The details provided here should not be considered as representations, warranties, covenants, or conditions of any kind. They do not form part of our terms and conditions, nor do they form part of any contractual obligation.

Any contract signed by authors, including but not limited to the Open Access Agreement and Video Production Agreement, will supersede any text or statements made on this website. We expressly disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this site.

Before entering into any contract with us, please ensure that you have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of that contract.